Check out the video below to learn more about the STAND Wholehearted Course
Stay tuned for future offerings of the STAND Wholehearted Course!
The STAND Wholehearted Spiritual Formation Course
Instructor & Course Creator: Kaitlyn Cey
Instructor: Reverend Carmen Kampman
Online host: Julia Friesen
The STAND Wholehearted Course will be offered again in the spring of 2023. Through this course, we will grow our connection to God as we pursue wholehearted living through Christ - mind, body and soul.
STAND Wholehearted Spiritual Formation Course
Jesus is the Word and we have been given The Word, The Bible, as our guide.
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” - John 1:14
Through this course you will…
Be Rooted in The Word
Week 1: STAND Wholehearted - Introduction to Biblical Wholeness
Find Your Identity in The Word
Week 2: STAND Secure in Christ
Experience Community Around The Word
Week 3: STAND Together in Healthy Relationships
Practice The Word
Week 4: STAND Authentic, growing an integrated mind, body & soul
Ignite The Word In You
Week 5: STAND Named in your God-given purpose
Impact Your World With The Word
Week 6: STAND Diverse and unified with one shared mission
How does it work?
Dates: TBD
Times: TBD
Location: TBD
Cost: TBD
Wholehearted Groups: You will be part of a group of 4-5 women led by a Christian Coach/Mentor (either in-person or online)
Register for:
Women in Leadership Cohort
Regular Registration
If finances are a barrier, you can apply for a sponsorship below
VISION for the STAND Wholehearted Course
A company of women growing to understand and experience the Word of God in a transformative way in mind, body and soul - so we can be the hands and feet of Jesus in our world.
Dates: TBD
Times: TBD
Wholehearted Groups: Groups of 4-5 women led by a Christian Coach/Mentor
*limited spots available
"The teaching sessions and testimonies were perfect. I appreciate how it started from square one in our security in Christ and continued in the steps of awareness leading to taking action— it was clear and complete."
Through this course…
-You will gain skills to study The Word with hermeneutics that help you read the Scripture in context and glean meaning for our world today, and for you personally.
-You will apply practices described in The Word that bring change and transformation to your mind, body and soul including: Repentance, forgiveness, and cultivating a gace-based mindset
-You will be part of a “wholehearted group” led by a spiritually mature Christian coach or mentor, who is taking the course along with you, trained and equipped to guide and support you through your growth and transformation.
-You will take a strengths and spiritual gift assessment to grow your self-awareness and activate your gifts for your calling in this season of your life
-You will be given full access to over 4 hours of audio and video prayers and practices from Kaitlyn’s Forty Day Flourish Challenge to use throughout and after this course
“…love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” - Matthew 22:37-38

Have you been asking…
How do I grow a desire to know God?
Why do I keep repeating unhelpful patterns that are not helping me grow?
Has God given me unique gifts and a purpose unique to this season of my life?
Are you ready to begin exploring the answers behind these big questions?
We believe your answers will be found in the Word of God.
The Word of God is your key to STAND wholehearted, live your purpose with passion, and experience freedom from patterns that hold you back.
If these points describe you, this course could be for you!
You are courageous and ready to step outside of your comfort zone to experience real change and growth
You are seeking transformation and hungry for more of God
You recognize that The Word of God holds the hope for your future
You long to experience a closer relationship with God
You are willing to embrace vulnerability and pursue authenticity in relationships
You are hungry to learn and grow
You recognize your need for accountability and community when pursuing goals
You want to celebrate other women’s gifts as well as your own
You want to uncover and celebrate your own calling in this season of your life
To learn more about the STAND Wholehearted Course, book a 15 minute call with Kaitlyn!
Carmen Kampman (Course Instructor)
Carmen is the Associate Pastor at Connect Church YXE and is adjunct faculty at Horizon College & Seminary. A gifted teacher and speaker, she specializes in leadership, spiritual care, and soul formation. Soon to be in the last year of her Doctorate of Ministry from Portland Seminary, she loves to foster the soul formation of Christian seekers and to team up with other gifted leaders in creating a transformational learning experience.
Kaitlyn Cey (Course Instructor and Creator)
Kaitlyn is a Speaker, Author and Certified Leadership Coach. She lives in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and is passionate to see people hope, grow and flourish in their God-given identity and purpose through the power of the Gospel. Kaitlyn is a Farmer's daughter with a passion to plant hope in the hearts of Canadian youth through the non-profit she is directing, Inspire Our Nation.
Julia Friesen (Online Host)
Julia Friesen is a worship leader, musician, life coach and loves working in ministry. She is passionate about helping women of all ages find their joy through chaos and pointing others toward Christ in all circumstances. After walking through the sudden death of her father, the diagnosis of her youngest child, and her current walk through divorce, Julia is more aware than ever that life is not always smooth sailing. However with a firm foundation in Christ, life is beautiful, full of joy, miracles, and the Lord's faithfulness.
Laurel Schultz (Wholehearted Group Leader)
Hi! I’m Laurel! I am a Saskatoon girl born and raised, married to my hubby and friend Terry for 42 years and we attend Elim Church in Saskatoon. I am so thankful to be a momma of four, Nan and Pops to five grandkids with number six on the way. I am thankful for God’s love and grace that is so patient to keep pursuing us and filling us with His love and changing us from the inside out. His friendship is the most important to me and I’ve learned the joy that comes when I give him my time and my focus that He will order my life and bring me His peace and joy that I can walk in and hold on to. I want to keep pursuing Jesus and learning every day with Jesus.
I love prayer and it excites me that we can partner with God in prayer. I’m happy to co-lead the Intercessory Prayer Team for Sisterhood Ministries and also be a part of the Inspire our Nation Intercessory prayer team. I’m looking forward to STAND Wholehearted Course because Jesus loves us like no other and it’s in Him that I find my best rest and joy and identity. I’m excited to walk this journey with other women and learn from and encourage one another!
Colleen Guskjolen (Wholehearted Group Leader)
Colleen Guskjolen exemplifies true servant leadership with humility and grace. God has uniquely prepared her for service through 41 years of pastoral and cross-cultural ministry in partnership with her husband, James.
Living and working in multiple countries and contexts have honed Colleen’s in terpersonal and professional skills. Organizations have been helped and women and men have been empowered though her strong emphasis on leadership and mentorship
She also spent six years as a personal banker in the finance and investment sec tor and has served as regional administrator and marketer of the Latin Ameri ca/Caribbean (PAOC International Missions) for ten years. In 2016, Colleen earned her certification as a Life Coach with the John Maxwell Team in order to pursue her passion for mentoring leaders in faith-based and marketplace contexts. Colleen and her husband James have been married for 41 years. They have 1 son, and 3 grandchildren. They currently live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Nedra Gibault (Wholehearted Group Leader)
Let me introduce myself. I am a wife, mother, grandma and retired teacher. I consider myself a lifelong learner, am a voracious reader of many different genres, am open minded and like being challenged by ideas and new insights.
The concept of “presence” is important to me, being open hearted towards people, hearing their stories and walking alongside, often in a mentorship capacity. I volunteer with an organization that helps and supports vulnerable women who find themselves pregnant. I love to play in the dirt…. some would call it gardening!
Dianne Mantyka (Wholehearted Group Leader)
Dianne, Spiritual Director (MDiv), loves companioning those desiring freedom in relation to God, self, nature, others. Her background includes Biology, missions, campus ministry and co-leading Queen’s House’s Spiritual Director Formation Program. Dianne believes God is always making all things new as we surrender to Christ’s Loving Presence. Her vocation includes marriage, being a caregiver, stepmom and Oma.
Josephine Rwankuba (Wholehearted Group Leader)
I am a woman saved by grace. I was born again in 1991, and I am still in the process of becoming like Jesus. I am involved in women's ministry and lead the women's Bible Study at Elim Church. I have been involved in the intercession ministry for the last ten years. Currently, I am taking a Counselling course at Horizon College.
Jenny Gu (Wholehearted Group Leader)
My name is Jenny, I ‘m a healthcare practitioner. I love being with lovely sisters , to share together, learn together, grow together ! We can keep healthy and beautiful physically and spiritually!
Anne Luross (Wholehearted Group Leader)
-A seasoned prayer warrior, have a passion to help people heal from life’s hurts
-A lifelong learner, goal setter
-Pursues balance in all areas of life
-A retired nurse
-An avid swimmer, golfer and enjoys walking
-Enjoys time with family
-Missed being with people the last few years
Colleen Swinnerton (Wholehearted Group Leader)
Hi there. My name is Colleen Swinnerton. I am a wife and mom of two grown children and two grand-puppies. I am a physiotherapist and I love what I do. I am passionate, adventurous and love the life God has blessed me with. I start my days in worship through scripture, devotions, podcasts and worship music. Time with Jesus is the foundation of my life.
I am especially passionate about youth ministry and serve with the ministry, Inspire Our Nation, where we are seeing God’s transformation power change families and communities. I also serve with Sisterhood Ministries to empower and bring hope to all women. I want to live my life completely for Jesus with a willing heart to go where he sends me and grow in my love for him. I am excited to take this Wholehearted journey with like-minded women growing in passion and purpose for Jesus.
Shelley Kent (Wholehearted Group Leader)
Recently retired after 33 years with the Government of Saskatchewan Shelley’s moving into a new phase of life. She’s always had a passion for women, especially helping women understand their true value, worth and identity. Facilitating Bible Studies, building relationships and coming alongside other women is her passion. Once insecure and uncertain herself God is using that. Women need to learn to love themselves as much as God loves them, to deeply believe it and to live it. That’s her mission!
Tammy Israelson (Wholehearted Group Leader)
Tammy has lived in Saskatchewan most of her life, growing up on a farm near Rosetown. Ministry has been a constant part of her life, starting in her home church to serving with her husband Paul as he works in vocational ministry. Life is full with their four children (2 graduated and 2 in high school), working part time at RBC and recently starting her MA in Ministry Leadership at Horizon College and Seminary.
Jacqueline Block (Wholehearted Group Leader)
Jacqueline Block loves studying God’s word and journeying with people in their spiritual and personal growth. Her seminary studies, life experiences, and training as a Spiritual Director have equipped her to do this well. She believes vulnerability is key to allowing Christ, through his Spirit, to transform and use our lives for God’s glory.
Judy Hildebrandt (Women In Leadership Group Leader)
Invested and passionate about helping leaders grow personally, professionally and spiritually, Judy has had a fruitful career in vocational ministry that has taken her around the world. Currently she works as a Strategy Consultant on the Global Team of LeaderImpact contributing to Content/Resource Development and Field Strategies most recently completing a digital evangelism training for leaders called Venture. Wife of 1, mother of 3, grandmother of 7, Judy enjoys outdoor adventures in her spare time.